Where to Study Hindi in Dehradun


As a foreigner in Dehradun, you have a few options for studying Hindi, India’s national language and the first language for much of the population of North India. That said, not all language learning approaches are equally effective, and you will need to find the approach that suits you best.

If you are a highly motivated and disciplined learner and throw yourself into an immersive situation (like a homestay) it’s possible to take a self-directed learning approach with a local language partner. However, in cities with relatively good education such as Dehradun, many foreigners find themselves with limited chances to practice as locals are eager to practice their English, and non-English speakers often call their English speaking friends to help when they realize a foreigner is struggling with Hindi. You may find yourself reverting to English as the language barrier gets higher and as you find people responding in English to your beginner Hindi efforts.

I think that for most people, the investment of focused Hindi classes in a local language school will pay the biggest dividends in terms of language progress. Not only will a formal class give you the structure to help you push through the motivational challenges, but you will gain a solid foundation in ‘good’ conversational Hindi, while also learning to read and write.


There are a few different options for formal Hindi study in Dehradun. The hill station town of Mussoorie, about an hour up into the mountains from Dehradun, is home to Landour Language School, which offers classes in Hindi and Urdu, and former students have told me that there is more of an emphasis on linguistics, rather than on conversational fluency there. The Kendriya Hindi Sansthan (Central Hindi Institute) located in Delhi is another regional option, which offers full-time Hindi language programs, taught in a traditional college lecture style. In my experience, Heritage Institute of Languages, located in Jakhan, Dehradun, is the best all-round option for Dehradun residents. If you want to learn to speak Hindi quickly and correctly for practical daily use and more, you cannot do better than Heritage with their combination of focused curriculum and experienced teachers. Almost every foreigner I know who actually uses their Hindi on a daily basis studied at Heritage.

Heritage offers an interesting opportunity for foreigners arriving in Dehradun, since in addition to being a Hindi language center for foreigners, they also offer English and foreign languages for local students. That means that Heritage students are constantly rubbing elbows with local people, giving them the opportunity to make friends and see what daily life looks like for local students. Heritage has a “speak first” approach that helped me connect with new people inside and outside the school much faster than what I’ve seen from students at other schools.

Heritage offers one-to-one and group classes, as well as in-person and online formats at an affordable price. You can even begin your studies via zoom before you move to Dehradun! Don’t hesitate to check them out today!

Ethan moved to Dehradun in 2015 with his family, and has enjoyed introducing people to this amazing city ever since. He loves exploring new places, spending time outdoors, and geeking out about culture. Ethan stays busy developing and running cross-cultural trainings, helping out newcomers to the area, and taking pictures of this incredible part of the world in his spare time.

Ethan Ring

Ethan moved to Dehradun in 2015 with his family, and has enjoyed introducing newcomers to this amazing place ever since.  He loves exploring new places, spending time outdoors, and geeking out about culture. Ethan stays busy running trainings, helping people find housing, and generally getting them settled in Dehradun through his full-service expat orientation company Good World. 


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