Your Master Checklist For Moving To Dehradun

Getting ready to relocate abroad is usually an exciting and nerve-wracking time of planning, anticipation, and seemingly endless to-do lists! It’s normal to wonder, ‘what do I need to do BEFORE moving overseas?’ What can people only do from their home country? How can I best prepare for life as an expat before I travel?

To help get you on the right track, I’ve compiled an essential checklist of 12 things you should get done, or at least think about before you embark on your international flight.

Travel arrangements: Plan your travel carefully. This is a major move, and taking the time to look at the details will pay off. Book your travel with a reputable agent, or with the airline directly, and especially pay attention to details like layover timings, cancellation/rebooking procedures, food and beverage options, whether you will have to exit security or recheck-in between flights, etc. You may also want to consider buying a flexible ticket or travel insurance to guard against unforeseen problems.

Visa: You’ll want to apply for your visa with plenty of time before your travel. Typically visas are issued in about 1-2 weeks, but this can vary significantly between countries and consulates. The visa begins its validity on the day it’s issued, so don’t apply too long before you plan to travel, either. As visas are not guaranteed, I suggest buying your plane tickets AFTER your visa is issued and in your hand.

Packing: Make a list of your most vital things to bring, and review it after a couple of days to make sure it’s correct. Organize your list by where each item will be packed, and then keep those lists handy!

If you have a lot of luggage, it will help you know where to find things you may need before you are finally settled in your new home. Check your flight’s baggage allowance, and plan to pack accordingly. Use a luggage scale (a good investment for frequent flyers) to check your weights, avoid expensive overages, or hectic repacking at the check-in counter! For more information on what to pack and what to leave behind, see our in depth article here.

Check your tech: Aside from a different plug, Indian runs on a different voltage than many other countries (230v). Check anything you plan to bring for its rating to be sure it will work in India. Remember that while adapters can help fit your plug, using the wrong voltage will fry your electronics!

Power of Attorney: One of the less glamorous parts of globetrotting is being prudent and making arrangements for things back in your home country. Keep in mind that any of your property, bank accounts, and legal responsibilities don’t just disappear when you move abroad. If something comes up while you’re out of the country, a designated Power of Attorney can handle legal and banking tasks on your behalf.

Banking: figuring out how you will access and move money between countries will require some research and planning. Make sure you know how to access your bank funds from abroad; check the policies, fees, and limits on your ATM and credit cards, as well as the procedures for unlocking a card in case your activity overseas gets flagged as fraud (a common occurrence).

Insurance: Besides optional travel insurance to protect your bags and flight plans, you should be sure to obtain international health/accident insurance which will cover you during your travels, especially in India. It’s also wise, as a foreigner, to ensure that your insurance covers such things as Emergency Evacuation and Repatriation of Remains. Not trying to be a downer here, but the costs of evacuation or repatriation can be extremely high, and these services will come with logistical assistance and support which can be vitally important during potentially the most catastrophic moment of your life. Before you travel, make sure you know what your insurance covers and how to use it!

Health care and immunizations: Get a checkup before you travel! Make sure your doctor is aware of your relocation, and can help you make a plan to manage any ongoing health concerns or medications you may have. Make sure you and your family members are all up to date on your immunizations, and review the vaccination recommendations for travel to South Asia.

COVID guidelines: COVID-19 has flipped the international travel industry on its head, and travel requirements and guidelines are constantly changing. Keep an eye on the requirements in the weeks leading up to your travel, so that you can get any required tests, make quarantine arrangements, or complete the required forms before you fly.

Research where to live: You may not be able to secure your ideal home before you arrive, but there are some things you can do to help narrow down your search! Get to know Dehradun a bit through Google Maps, and check out our neighborhood walkthroughs to get a feel for some of these locations!

Where to study Hindi: You need to learn some Hindi if you are planning to live in Dehradun for any length of time. It will endear you to the local people you meet, and will enhance your adjustment and experience of this amazing part of the world. There are a few options for studying language here, from formal, technical linguistic study to a self-directed approach, but speaking from my personal experience, nothing will get you speaking, reading and writing Hindi faster and better than lessons at Heritage Institute of Languages, the top-rated language school in North India. Located in the Doon Vihar neighborhood in Jakhan (north Dehradun), you’ll find excellent Hindi classes with skilled and experienced teachers at affordable prices.

Follow this blog! As you are preparing for this big move, make sure to check out all of the other information on this site, and follow this blog for new tips, information and perspectives to help you make a smooth transition to life here in Dehradun, at the foothills of the Himalayas.


Ethan moved to Dehradun in 2015 with his family, and has enjoyed introducing people to this amazing city ever since. He loves exploring new places, spending time outdoors, and geeking out about culture. Ethan stays busy developing and running cross-cultural trainings, helping out newcomers to the area, and taking pictures of this incredible part of the world in his spare time.

Ethan Ring

Ethan moved to Dehradun in 2015 with his family, and has enjoyed introducing newcomers to this amazing place ever since.  He loves exploring new places, spending time outdoors, and geeking out about culture. Ethan stays busy running trainings, helping people find housing, and generally getting them settled in Dehradun through his full-service expat orientation company Good World. 


Neighborhood Profile: Rajpur


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