4 Keys To Finding A Place To Live In Dehradun


For most people, their first priority after moving to Dehradun is finding a place to live. If you want to know how to find a place to call home in Dehradun, keep these tips in mind!

Set your expectations

One of the first decisions you’ll need to make is what kind of housing you are looking for. Here are the most common options you’ll find:

House: Renting a single or multiple floors within a house

Apartment: Typically 1-3 bedrooms with varying amenities

Homestay: Private room within a family home with meals provided

Your choice will affect everything from your budget, to your location, to how close you’ll be living to your neighbors! Learn more about housing options in our article: How to choose between a House, Apartment, or Homestay in Dehradun.


Adjust your expectations

After setting your expectations, get ready to adapt!  No matter where you come from, housing options in India will probably be different than what you are used to. Some things like reliable electricity or walls with no mold damage can be a challenge to find, while others like beautiful mountain views, and walking distance to shops & restaurants are widely available. 

Plan to visit several properties with a friend or broker to see what “normal” looks like.

Know the area

Finding the right neighborhood can make the difference between a house that feels like home, and a constant struggle to find peace and quiet. Visit the area where you’d like to live, and check out our neighborhood profiles complete with a video walk through to get an idea of traffic, noise, and housing types available.

To see walkthroughs and full information about some of Dehradun’s most popular neighborhoods, check out our Neighborhood Profile Series.

Learn the process

If you come from a culture that values online listing and frictionless renting, it can be a shock to try to find a place to stay in India where everything is still done in-person and through brokers and informal networks. Check out Ethan’s Essentials For Renting In Dehradun for all the information you need about what’s normal, what isn’t, and what documents you’ll need from your landlord.


Carlton moved to Dehradun in 2017 where he fell in love with the Himalayan mountains. He especially enjoys riding motorcycles and hiking in the mornings with his dog, Malay.

Carlton is the Director of the top school for foreigners learning Hindi in Dehradun. Students learn from Indian teachers and help support young people beginning their professional careers while getting the best Hindi instruction in the city. To learn more about Heritage Institute of Languages click here.

Carlton Lemley

Carlton and his wife Abigail moved to Dehradun in 2017 where they fell in love with the Himalayan mountains. He especially enjoys riding motorcycles and hiking in the mornings with his dog, Malay. Carlton is the Director of Heritage Institute of Languages, the top school for foreigners learning Hindi in Dehradun.


Your Master Checklist For Moving To Dehradun


Ethan’s Essentials For Renting In Dehradun