5 Factors for Buying a Vehicle in Dehradun

If you have ever bought a vehicle before, you know that it’s a little more complicated than picking up a loaf of bread from the supermarket. As a foreigner in India, you will soon find yourself wondering how to purchase a car, a scooter, or a motorcycle to help you get around (and out of) town on your own schedule. The good (and somewhat confusing) news is that you'll have plenty of brand names, models, and price points to choose from, but it IS a bit of a process. That’s why I’ve put together this handy guide for foreigners looking to buy a vehicle for the first time in Dehradun.

Used or New?

Your first question is whether you want a new or used vehicle. This is not just a pricing consideration, but will also depend on what’s available and your risk tolerance. There’s no way to reliably know the accident history of a vehicle, so if you choose to buy used, make sure you get the vehicle from a trusted person, and preferably from the original owner. Used vehicles will require you to do all the paperwork for transfer of title and registration, etc. Cars can retain their value pretty well, so you may find a good used car is not that much cheaper than a new one. You can look for used vehicles through friends, or online via sites like OLX.

If you want to buy a new vehicle, you can check out the many vehicle showrooms around Dehradun, and pick out the car you want, with the specs you’d like. Benefits of buying new include warranties and vehicle maintenance and care packages, and ease of re-selling in the future due to being the only owner. Also the dealer will often do most of the legwork related to title and registration, which will save you some long waits at the Regional Transport Office (RTO)

Hurry up and wait!

If you buy a vehicle from a showroom, plan to wait for your vehicle to be ready for you. The showroom will not have much stock on hand, so depending on how new and popular the model is, you may face wait times of a month or more.

The variety of paperwork and steps in the process may require you to make multiple visits to the showroom, so be ready to adjust your schedule and expectations accordingly.

Get your paperwork in order

Prepare to provide a plethora of paperwork as you plow through the purchasing process. The specific requirements may vary depending upon the dealer and your specific residence status as a foreigner, but here are some key documents you will likely be asked for:

  • Proof of Nationality such as passport and visa

  • Valid ID such as Aadhaar card, or Driver’s License

  • Proof of residence such as your rent agreement

As with most things requiring paperwork in India, bring every document you can think of (with photocopies) because you never know what will be needed, but only give them out as requested.

Plan your payments as well. As a foreigner you’ll probably need to move the money for the purchase into the country, so plan out how you will do this, and have a plan B in case you hit a snag. Allow for extra time as large money transfers can get held up for a variety of reasons, including the many unexpected bank holidays in India!

Keep the records straight!

If you book (order) a vehicle, be sure to get everything in writing: total (on the road) price, delivery date, all customizations, accessories, and discounts, as well as your receipts for down-payment, etc.

Once the vehicle is delivered, you have a week to get it registered, and you must buy insurance for it as well. The dealer may offer these services to you, or you can do them on your own.

Be Safe, Relax, and Enjoy!

A vehicle will make your life in Dehradun much easier, but keep in mind that you still have to contend with Indian roads, which are often hectic. Minor accidents are all too common, so please drive carefully, don’t sweat the occasional scratch or dent, and enjoy the freedom your own set of wheels will bring!

Check out 6 Ways to Get Around in Dehradun before you have your own vehicle!

Ethan moved to Dehradun in 2015 with his family, and has enjoyed introducing people to this amazing city ever since. He loves exploring new places, spending time outdoors, and geeking out about culture. Ethan stays busy developing and running cross-cultural trainings, helping out newcomers to the area, and taking pictures of this incredible part of the world in his spare time.

Ethan Ring

Ethan moved to Dehradun in 2015 with his family, and has enjoyed introducing newcomers to this amazing place ever since.  He loves exploring new places, spending time outdoors, and geeking out about culture. Ethan stays busy running trainings, helping people find housing, and generally getting them settled in Dehradun through his full-service expat orientation company Good World. 


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