Crime and Safety in Dehradun

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Safest city in india

Safety is a vital consideration no matter where you live, and Dehradun is no exception. First the good news: in 2018, Dehradun was voted the safest city in India. This makes Dehradun an attractive place to settle, and certainly matches my own experience living here. This city ‘feels’ safe, and most of the people you meet here are kind, gracious and very helpful.

That said, Dehradun is like any other city in the world, where it’s important to know the local risks and avoid making mistakes. Here are some of the main risks to personal safety, and how to prevent them.

Keep your eyes on the road!

Road accidents may be the greatest risk to personal safety, not just in Dehradun, but across India. The roads can be very crowded, not just with cars, but with two-wheelers, bicycles, carts, pedestrians, and animals. People often drive unpredictably, going the wrong way, or not following the rules of the road. Make sure to take some time to get used to the roads before you start driving, and always remain aware of your surroundings. Choose the safest transportation options whenever you can, and encourage any drivers you ride with to drive carefully.

The invisible threat

When you first move to India, you will get sick more often than you are used to. As your body adapts to the differences in the water, food and climate, you may feel like you are never at full health for up to the first year or so. Add to this some seasonal illnesses like the normal flu, coughs and colds, mosquito-borne malaria and dengue, and food and waterborne stomach bugs, and you will quickly realize that you will need to spend a lot of time and energy on your health in the beginning. Make sure to eat nutritious and hygienic foods, get plenty of rest, stay hydrated, and consult a good doctor whenever needed. Bringing an initial supply of your favorite upset-stomach medication from home such as Pepto Bismol may be a good idea as well.


(This guy looks like a real party animal)

The wildlife

On average, you’ll likely encounter many more animals on the streets of India than back home. Whether cows, street dogs, cats, monkeys, donkeys or pigs, they are used to living close to humans, but they are not fully domesticated, and can be unpredictable. Animals may also carry diseases, so if you are ever bitten or scratched, make sure to get it looked at right away. Avoid contact with animals you don’t know well, and if you are able to get a rabies vaccine before travelling, do so.

Discourage thieves

Major robbery is not a common occurrence in Dehradun, but petty theft is a more likely problem. Make sure to be wise with your belongings; exercise common sense to avoid being a victim: secure your belongings when you are away, don’t carry large quantities of valuables or cash if you can avoid it, and keep your bags and pockets secure especially when in a crowded area, or marketplace.

Avoid assault

While violence or assault is not a common experience for foreigners here, it’s important no matter where you are to use situational awareness, avoid walking alone in deserted or dark areas, and defuse any potential altercations when emotions are running high.

Ask for help!

Use your local friends to help you stay safe! In any new place, it’s impossible to know where all the risks lie. Ask your friends if you’re unsure, and follow their advice. If you need to go somewhere at night (especially for females), don’t hesitate to ask a friend to come along, or at least communicate your plans and check in along the way..

If you need help in an emergency, you can call 112 for emergency services including police, medical and fire, but keep in mind that your local friends may be able to render aid sooner.

Thinking about your safety isn’t the most enjoyable part of living abroad, but it’s very important, and once you’ve prepared well, you can relax and enjoy your life in this amazing city.

Ethan moved to Dehradun in 2015 with his family, and has enjoyed introducing people to this amazing city ever since. He loves exploring new places, spending time outdoors, and geeking out about culture. Ethan stays busy developing and running cross-cultural trainings, helping out newcomers to the area, and taking pictures of this incredible part of the world in his spare time.

Ethan Ring

Ethan moved to Dehradun in 2015 with his family, and has enjoyed introducing newcomers to this amazing place ever since.  He loves exploring new places, spending time outdoors, and geeking out about culture. Ethan stays busy running trainings, helping people find housing, and generally getting them settled in Dehradun through his full-service expat orientation company Good World. 


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