6 Tips For Foreigners Before Your First Hospital Visit In India

Your first trip to the hospital in a foreign country is usually a stressful time full of questions. You may be wondering how to choose the best hospital, whether you will be able to speak with the staff, or even which hospitals have emergency care. We’ll address all of these questions today, plus a few more you didn’t know to ask. Here are the 6 things you should know before your first hospital visit.

Choose the right hospital

There are many hospitals in Dehradun providing great medical care, so how should you choose? The answer will depend on 3 factors: quality of care, price, and cultural expectations. Assuming we all want the best quality of care will eliminate several options from the start. However, two hospitals who both offer good care may differ wildly when it comes to price. If things like clean hallways, modern equipment, or even doctors who will take the time to hear your concerns about the treatment are important to you, you may need to pay more.

Bring a friend

Hospitals in India are far more self-service than you may be accustomed to. Having a second set of hands and feet can reduce the stress considerably as your friend can help with making payments, dealing with insurance, standing in lines, purchasing medicines, bringing food, getting necessary medical supplies, and any other things that come up.

Depending on which hospital you visit, the medical staff may or may not speak English. If you haven’t learned Hindi yet (and you should), bring a Hindi-speaking friend who can translate for you.

Be prepared and organized

While electronic records do exist in India, their use is far from universal and doctors may or may not be comfortable using them. Bring all necessary identifying documents, and be prepared to keep all tests and records that are produced during your visit. The doctors may ask you to produce test results and other documents as your treatment progresses so it pays to keep everything in files that you bring to every visit.

Understand that privacy is cultural

In many countries medical information is considered intensely private and there may even be laws protecting its disclosure. In India, it’s not uncommon to be in the room while doctors are discussing the medical diagnoses of other patients and it may be difficult to convince medical staff to clear the room of onlookers before discussing your own medical information.

Have a food plan

If you are being admitted to the hospital with stomach problems, you may find that the food served in the hospital is unfamiliar and hard to digest. You may even find that the hospital doesn’t serve food at all and friends and family are expected to bring food from home for each meal. It can be helpful to bring your own “sick day comfort foods” including fresh fruits, nuts, and crackers. Just make sure the doctor approves any food you bring along.

Plan for emergencies

Not every hospital in Dehradun is equipped for emergency care. Make sure you know which hospitals near your home or workplace have emergency facilities BEFORE you need them. Max Hospital, Fortis Escorts Hospitals and Synergy Plus Hospital all have reputable emergency facilities and are well equipped to treat a variety of medical problems.

While knowing these tips won’t guarantee a perfect experience, they will go a long way toward avoiding problems and allowing you to get the best care possible.

What do you think? We’d love to hear from you about your hospital experiences or if you have any questions not covered in this article. Comment below or send us a message!

Carlton moved to Dehradun in 2017 where he fell in love with the Himalayan mountains. He especially enjoys riding motorcycles and hiking in the mornings with his dog, Malay.

Carlton is the Director of the top school for foreigners learning Hindi in Dehradun. Students learn from Indian teachers and help support young people beginning their professional careers while getting the best Hindi instruction in the city. To learn more about Heritage Institute of Languages click here.

Carlton Lemley

Carlton and his wife Abigail moved to Dehradun in 2017 where they fell in love with the Himalayan mountains. He especially enjoys riding motorcycles and hiking in the mornings with his dog, Malay. Carlton is the Director of Heritage Institute of Languages, the top school for foreigners learning Hindi in Dehradun.


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