5 Reasons You Need To Learn Hindi to Thrive in Dehradun


Among all the challenges of moving to India, perhaps the most daunting is the Hindi language. But if you want to thrive in Dehradun and truly understand your new city, you’ll need to speak the language. Here are 5 reasons why:

Fluent English speakers are a minority

The constant mixing of Hindi with English means that nearly everyone in Dehradun knows at least a few English words, but people who can understand and speak with foreigners are still in the minority. If you resolve not to learn the local language, you won’t be able to interact with 60-70% of people in Dehradun.

Connecting with the community

While Google Translate and wild gesticulations may eventually get your point across, you’ll need to do better if you want to truly connect with the community around you. Nelson Mandela’s famous quote is just as true in Dehradun as it is in places around the world:

“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.”

You’ll also find that people are delighted to hear you trying to speak in their native Hindi, even when you make mistakes!


Asking directions

In many countries Google Maps is accurate enough to bring you right to the front door of any destination you choose. India is not one of these countries. When visiting a new place you will often need to ask around to find your destination, so the difference between arriving early or late (and a bit frustrated) will often be your Hindi!

Emergencies & hospitals

The seconds after a car crash, or the moment your kidney stone starts to shift is the wrong time to realize you should’ve learned the local language. Among emergency services and hospitals it is common for doctors and nurses to speak only in Hindi, so getting the best care may depend on your Hindi skills.


While your Indian friends will no doubt be happy to help you navigate life as a newcomer to Dehradun, It can quickly become frustrating to need a translator for everything, especially after you’ve settled in to life here! Your investment in learning the language will pay off in surprising ways. Not only will you gain confidence and independence - you will also communicate respect and care for the people you meet by working to cross linguistic and cultural barriers

Carlton is the director of Dehradun’s #1 Hindi language school for foreigners. Students learn from Indian teachers and help support young people beginning their professional careers while getting the best Hindi instruction in the city. To learn more about Heritage Institute of Languages click here.


Carlton moved to Dehradun in 2017 where he fell in love with the Himalayan mountains. He especially enjoys riding motorcycles and hiking in the mornings with his dog, Malay.

Carlton is the Director of the top school for foreigners learning Hindi in Dehradun. Students learn from Indian teachers and help support young people beginning their professional careers while getting the best Hindi instruction in the city. To learn more about Heritage Institute of Languages click here.

Carlton Lemley

Carlton and his wife Abigail moved to Dehradun in 2017 where they fell in love with the Himalayan mountains. He especially enjoys riding motorcycles and hiking in the mornings with his dog, Malay. Carlton is the Director of Heritage Institute of Languages, the top school for foreigners learning Hindi in Dehradun.


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