6 Things To Do In Your First 7 Days In Dehradun


The first few days after you land in India can feel overwhelming. With so many things to do it can be hard to know where to start. If you’re wondering what to do in your first week in Dehradun, this list is the perfect place to start.

Buy a local SIM card

Getting your SIM card is key for everything else on this list as it allows you to research, navigate, and make contacts within the city. So make it your top priority after arriving in India.

Check out: 5 Things Foreigners Need To Know About SIM Cards

Learn to get around

Whether you are looking for a place to live or going to the grocery store, you’ll be much better off if you’re familiar with all the modes of public transport Dehradun has to offer including, buses, taxis, autos, and vikrams!

Check out: 6 Ways To Get Around Dehradun


Find a place to live

Let’s face it. You won’t truly feel settled until you have a place you can call home. Start your search ASAP as you’ll want to get a good idea of the options available and explore the various neighborhoods and housing arrangements.

Check out: 4 Keys To Finding A Place To Live In Dehradun

Start Hindi classes

If you’re going to make Dehradun your home, you’ll need to learn Hindi, and the sooner the better. Make Hindi a part of your routine from the beginning both to practice and also to have a chance to practice interacting with locals in their native language from the start.

Check out: 5 Reasons You Need To Learn Hindi to Thrive in Dehradun

Register with the FRO

Depending on your visa type, its likely you’ll need to register with the FRO soon after arriving in India. Check your visa for specifics and be sure you register within the time given.

Explore the city

Don’t forget to spend some time enjoying Dehradun in your first week. If you’ve finished the rest of this list, you’ve certainly earned it! Stroll through Paltan Bazaar, take a hike in the mountains above Rajpur, or snack on momos along Rajpur Road. 


Carlton moved to Dehradun in 2017 where he fell in love with the Himalayan mountains. He especially enjoys riding motorcycles and hiking in the mornings with his dog, Malay.

Carlton is the Director of the top school for foreigners learning Hindi in Dehradun. Students learn from Indian teachers and help support young people beginning their professional careers while getting the best Hindi instruction in the city. To learn more about Heritage Institute of Languages click here.

Carlton Lemley

Carlton and his wife Abigail moved to Dehradun in 2017 where they fell in love with the Himalayan mountains. He especially enjoys riding motorcycles and hiking in the mornings with his dog, Malay. Carlton is the Director of Heritage Institute of Languages, the top school for foreigners learning Hindi in Dehradun.


Dehradun Neighborhood Profiles


7 Things To Bring When You Move To Dehradun- And 4 To Leave Behind